Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kerry Rhodes' 'Alleged' Gay Lover Shopping Reality Show (Update: Lover Confirms They Were in a Relationship)

It's all making sense now. Russell Simpson, who's alleged to be former NFL player Kerry Rhodes' ex-boyfriend, is shopping a reality show with the working title "This is Hollywood." No network will be ordering that series, so this makes us believe Russell (or someone connected to him) released the compromising photos (see, below) of him and Kerry to drum up some sort of publicity or to publicly out Kerry. It worked. BTW: Kerry, 30, has denied he's gay. *snickers * laughs * gags * He issued a statement that read, in part: "I am not gay. The shots were taken during a past vacation in a casual environment with my entire business team....I know a lot of people are recently talking about athletes struggling to come out to their fans right now, and I support them, as well as with those individuals comfort." LOL.

How you doin' Kerry! Alllrrriiiigght! Sashay! Shanté! Shanté, shanté, shanté! Ehaow!

UPDATE: Russell has confirmed he and Kerry were lovers and were in a relationship for 14 months; he said Kerry even gave him an engagement/promise ring. Oh, they also have matching tattoos. In an interview with Bossip, Russell says: "I was like his wife. I ran the household and took care of all his personal needs. If anyone needed anything from Kerry they came to me! That’s what Kerry loved about me. I didn’t take no sh-t from nobody. Kerry is kinda a dumb athlete, like a dumb jock. So, I took care of things that he didn’t understand. And yes, his teammates did know about me. It was kinda unspoken but I was at all his training camps and events. The other wives knew and loved me too. I was always there. It was no secret!" Asked about their sex life, Russell adds: "It was great! It was very passionate because we were so in love. Of course he was the top! I’m not doing all that damn work! But, we were extremely close. It was very good and he put it on me!" Grrl, TMI. After Kerry's tepid denial he's gay, Russell said Kerry sent him a text that read: Hey baby, can you just not say anything about all this. Russell adds: "We were in love and it was real. But now look at him! He’s lying and looking like a real dumbazz. Why couldn’t he just STFU and no even said anything. He had to deny it like I wasn’t real. Like, I never existed. What the hell?? We filmed that reality show together, he has hours of footage of me and him together for the show. I have NOTHING to hide! I’m grown as hell and have nothing lie about. [...] Kerry Rhodes is gay. That’s the truth." Girl, we believe you. Trust us, none of of this is shocking. Sidebar: Kerry, if you're supposed to be closeted or DL, why date the qayest bottom in all the land? Why are you cavorting with such a young, messy queen? You really must be a "dumb jock" to not understand how that will turn out. You should've joined the Swagger Club, whose members know to keep their mouths shut. Lesson learned. Russell did not say why he's decided to out Kerry now, but you can put two and two together: Kerry probably dumped his ass, cut him off and the queen got mad and is hoping to get even. Mission accomplished. Only thing left for Kerry to do is issue another statement that includes the words: I'm gay, I'm a homo, I like guys.

This video is quite telling. Stock answers from men on the DL. He couldn't even say the word "gay," but his body language and what he did say, spoke volumes. Poor thing.

Update 2: Here's an audio interview with Russell going in! Case closed.

Hey, Kerry. Howard Bragman is calling, pick up the phone.


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