Monday, May 6, 2013

NFLer Mario Williams Sues Ex-Fiancée For $785,000 Engagement Ring

Watching the court show we've learned an engagement ring is a gift in contemplation of marriage. We also learned that in most case if a woman breaks off the engagement, she must return the ring. If the man does, he's out of luck. Which brings us to Buffalo Bills defensive end Mario Williams who sued his ex-fiancée Erin Marzouki for the $785,000, 10-carat diamond engagement ring he bought her. From the picture Mario paints of Erin, she was a straight up golddigger who always hand her hand out. According to the lawsuit, the couple were engaged on February 19, 2012. During their relationship, Eric "provided" Erin with an American Express credit card to "use to pay her living expenses" but she racked up more than $230,000 on designer duds. On Jan. 21, less than a year after they were engaged, Erin dumped him. Mario claims Erin "never intended to marry [him] and used the relationship as a means to get to [his] money and acquire gifts." He's asked for the return of the return of the GIA certified radiant cut diamond weighing 10.04 carats, E color grade and VS2 clarity grade ring, but Erin has refused to do so. He's seeking a restraining order to prevent Erin from pawning the ring and damages for conversion, fraud and violation of the Theft Liability Act.

Update, May 13: Erin filed an answer, denying Mario's claims. She says it was Mario who broke off the engagement (he did so five different times) and she's not returning the ring. In her filing, Erin said they took a trip to The Bahamas with family members to celebrate the engagement. Mario became angry on the second day of the trip, broke off the engagement and chartered a plane back to Houston. Erin gave the ring back. They reconciled in June and Mario returned the ring to Erin. In August, she moved to Buffalo to be with Mario, who, according to her, broke off the engagement several more times, but never asked for the ring. "A part of Williams wanted to be married and start a family, while another part wanted to continue to live the life of a wealthy bachelor who could do whatever he wanted, with whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted," according to the counterclaim. "Williams made it abundantly clear, in writing, to Ms. Marzouki and several others that he wanted her to keep the ring," the claim states. "After breaking up, Williams would later come back to Marzouki pleading for her to take him back," the claim states. He broke it off for the final time in December of 2012. When he tried to reconcile this time, Erin refused, according to the claim. As for the money, Erin says most of it was spent with Mario’s blessing, was used to furnish "Mr. Williams’ home in Buffalo and for other expenses for Mr. Williams, not for Ms. Marzouki’s personal expenses." In her counterclaim, Erin confirmed she received several gifts, but never asked for them. In fact, she said she refused to accept some gifts because they "were excessive." Erin claims the lawsuit is an attempt to "harass" and "scare" her.

Here's a photo of the couple in happier times.

sources: CN | KHOU


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