Friday, December 20, 2013

This Crack Head Made More Than $1.5 Million Ripping Off Target Stores

Long before hackers stole 40 million of Target customers' credit and debit card information, this ↑↑↑ lady has been taking the country's second largest discount retailer to the cleaners. Meet Terry Darcy. She's been a Target shopper for about five years. By "shopper," we mean thief. The 51-year-old drug addict was arrested in Phoenix last two earlier this month after a six-week investigation that began after Target store analysts suspected Terry was passing bogus, homemade coupons to get large amounts of goods for free. According to police, records indicated Terry have been operating the scam since 2008 and could have obtained more than $300,000 a year in fraudulent theft and returns. She admitted to cops to the scam and that she has a $145-a-day heroin addiction. She was jailed and charged with theft by misrepresentation, possession of forged instruments and trafficking in stolen property.

source: KPHO


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