Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The One About the Lady Who Tried to Rip Off Husband's Penis After He Asked For a Divorce

Rebecca White of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was arrested last weekend and charged with aggravated assault and child abuse after she attacked her husband and attempted to pull of his penis after he suggested they get a divorce.
According to the criminal complaint, Rodney told police that during the argument Rebecca pulled off the flat screen TV from the wall upstairs and began pushing and punching Rodney is the face while he held their 2-year-old daughter. Rebecca proceeded to damage other objects in the home before grabbing a knife and meat fork and threatening to kill Rodney. Rodney told police, he feared for the safety of himself and their children. Rodney also stated that, Rebecca jumped on him and began choking him. She then grabbed his penis and attempted to pull it off. The responding officer observed red marks and bruising along Rodney’s neck and face, which was consistent with his story. Officers were unable to locate and contact Rebecca about the incident. On Monday, Rebecca White went to the APD Family Center to give her side of the story. Due to the accusations by her husband she was detained and transported to APD Northwest Substation where she was interviewed. Rebecca stated she got into an argument with Rodney because he was jealous of a man on her Facebook page. She stated she decided to break the TV because Rodney broke her computer by throwing it on the floor. She told police, Rodney began choking her during the argument and she got free by punching him the face. When she attempted to leave Rodney pushed her and pinned her down. Rebecca stated she grabbed his “nuts” and began to twist so he would let her up. She then left the residence. According to the complaint, Rebecca decided to contact police only after she learned Rodney had. She stated she was stupid for not attempting to call police sooner. Rebecca was booked on aggravated assault against a household member and abandonment or abuse of a child.

source: KOB


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