Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Couples Who Smoke Weed Together, Stay Together: study

Grants are given to almost anyone to study anything, so we aren't surprised by this study by researchers at the University of Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions and Research Institute on Addictions. They've found that married couples who smoke weed fight less.
These findings were robust even after controlling for things like demographic variables, behavioral problems, and alcohol use. The authors studied data from 634 couples over nine years of marriage, starting in 1996. Couples were administered regular questionnaires on a variety of issues, including recent drug and alcohol use and instances of physical aggression toward their spouses. Previous research on the relationship between marijuana use and domestic violence has largely been based on cross-sectional data (that is, data from one point in time), and those findings have been mixed: some studies found links between marijuana use and/or abuse and domestic violence, while others did not. The Buffalo study is one of the few to use data collected over the course of decades to examine the question, putting it on solid methodological ground compared to previous work. The authors caution that while these findings are predictive--meaning couples who smoke are less likely to commit domestic violence--they don't necessarily draw a causal line between the two behaviors. Among the connections they hypothesize, "marijuana may increase positive affect, which in turn could reduce the likelihood of conflict and aggression." Translation: stoned people are happy, and happy people don't fight.

source: Washington Post
You don't say! They could've given us the thousands of dollars they paid the researchers because we -- or anyone for that matter -- already know this.


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