Monday, August 18, 2014

Man Who Burglarized 'America's Largest Closet' Claims Everything He Stole is Fake

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A man who planned the perfect robbery is pissed that all the items he stole are fake. But to let Theresa Roemer, the Houston woman who was robbed tell it, this is all a scheme to smear her name and extort her. Earlier this month, Theresa says while she and her husband were out to dinner, a man broke into her home through a bathroom window and made a beeline to her three-story, 3,000 square foot closet which was featured on Good Morning America days prior. (Sidebar: She says she built the closet -- at a cost of about $500,000 -- to host fundraisers.) The suspect seems to take his time, spending 40 minutes inside the closet, stealing pricey Hermés Birkin bags, Rolex and Chanel watches, diamonds and a locket, which holds hair from her deceased son. He got away with almost $1 million worth of luxury items in two $60,000 Birkins. Days later, after we presume he tried to sell the stolen items but learned they were fake, the burglar contacted Theresa and demanded "requested over half a million dollars to return her items and not expose her to the news... The deal never went through. I'm following through with my threat." He then sent a reporter at the Houston Press several pieces of costume jewelry, including the locket. The reporter turned over the items to police. "It's one thing to be robbed but now it's another for someone to hold me for ransom for my belongings," Theresa said "He claims that whatever it is that's in there is fake. Well, you know, if you walk into any one woman's closet there's gonna be valuable things, and there's gonna be costume things, and there's gonna be vintage things." Someone talking heads on the Internet are speculating this robbery was Theresa's attempt to commit insurance fraud. Devoloping.

source: KPRC


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