Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lady Files Lawsuit Because Tights Didn't Make Her Orgasm

Speaking of donkeys, a Brooklyn woman is suing a tights manufacturer because she didn't get an orgasm while wearing said tights. According to the New York Post, Meng Wang filed the class-action suit against Kushyfoot because she believed she was misled by the company's advertisement (above) in which a woman is seen sashaying around in the tights cooing “highly sexually charged phrases’’ such as, “That’s the spot!” and “Oooh, yes!’’ while background singers croon “I feel super satisfied, super satisfied!" Meng apparently shelled out $7.64 for the tights, walked around NYC and she didn't get the same sensation, if you know what we mean. The commercial was “supposed to indicate that she’s getting a massage through her pantyhose," her lawyer says. The company says the tights work “by stimulating certain pressure points on the soles of the feet, the special ridged pattern on the socks helps relieve stress and promote overall well-being.” They do not give one a happy ending. May we suggest Meng spend her money on a rabbit.

source: NY Post


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