Thursday, February 26, 2015

Facebook Adds 59th Gender Option

Did you know, as of yesterday, there were 58 gender options on Facebook?

  1. Agender
  2. Androgyne
  3. Androgynous
  4. Bigender
  5. Cis
  6. Cisgender
  7. Cis Female
  8. Cis Male
  9. Cis Man
  10. Cis Woman
  11. Cisgender Female
  12. Cisgender Male
  13. Cisgender Man
  14. Cisgender Woman
  15. Female
  16. Female to Male
  17. FTM
  18. Gender Fluid
  19. Gender Nonconforming
  20. Gender Questioning
  21. Gender Variant
  22. Genderqueer
  23. Intersex
  24. Male
  25. Male to Female
  26. MTF
  27. Neither
  28. Neutrois
  29. Non-binary
  30. Other
  31. Pangender
  32. Trans
  33. Trans*
  34. Trans Female
  35. Trans* Female
  36. Trans Male
  37. Trans* Male
  38. Trans Man
  39. Trans* Man
  40. Trans Person
  41. Trans* Person
  42. Trans Woman
  43. Trans* Woman
  44. Transfeminine
  45. Transgender
  46. Transgender Female
  47. Transgender Male
  48. Transgender Man
  49. Transgender Person
  50. Transgender Woman
  51. Transmasculine
  52. Transsexual
  53. Transsexual Female
  54. Transsexual Male
  55. Transsexual Man
  56. Transsexual Person
  57. Transsexual Woman
  58. Two-Spirit

Since, that wasn't inclusive enough, the social networking site announced today it has added a 59th option: fill in the blank.

"Now, if you do not identify with the pre-populated list of gender identities, you are able to add your own," Facebook said in a statement. Despite that, however, one thing that has not changed is an "interested in" option for users to define whom they might want to date. That option still only allows men or women, but users can click both options, one option or neither option. They can also hide it entirely.

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