Thursday, March 26, 2015

Let's Watch a USPS Worker Throw Packages on Customer's Porch, Run Lap Around Postal Truck

Something is wrong this woman. Last Sunday, Pedro Gonzales' surveillance camera was recording when a postal carrier drove up to his home, threw his packages over the fence onto his porch then runs a lap around the postal truck before speeding off. The Postal Service has issued a statement saying they can't release the employee's name or whether she has been fired, due to "privacy rules." Knowing the USPS, this postal worker was NOT reprimanded and she will continue to throw customers' packages because postal workers don't care, they don't give a f**k. As for why she ran around the truck? Well, the post office requires drivers to check behind vehicles before backing up.

Sidebar: The quality of the surveillance camera footage is some of the best we've ever seen. Money well spent.


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