Friday, March 13, 2015

Man Attacks Pregnant Woman Because She Didn't Thank Him For Holding Door Open

A 22-year-old woman is happy to be alive after being the victim of a vicious attack on March 5 inside a housing project in NYC. Lakeeya Walker, who's 7 weeks pregnant and works as a caretaker at the Chelsea-Elliot Houses, says she was attacked and beaten by a man she doesn't know who became angry after she didn’t say “thank you” when he held the door for her.
Walker said she was going into the building using her key, but the man volunteered to open the door for him. “Once I entered the building, I didn’t say anything to him. He was mad that I didn’t say thank you, so he called me an ungrateful b***h,” Walker said. Walker said she told the man she did not need him to hold the door, and said he did not need to speak to her in such a fashion. “Then he takes his cup of coffee – he was drinking a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee – and he throws it at me in my face,” Walker said. Walker said after that, the man dragged her out and put her up against a gate. “He then choked me with one hand and then started hitting me repeatedly with the other,” she said. Police said when Walker tried to get away, the assailant threw her to the ground. “When he felt good and ready, he pulled me off the gate. He threw me on the floor like a WWE mat, while laying on my back. My feet is in the air. I’m kicking, kicking, kicking, trying to, like, protect myself. He’s kicking me on the stomach, and while he’s doing this, he says to me, ‘I’m going to kick that baby out your womb,’” she said. Walker said she could have been more seriously hurt than she was. “I’m really little. My arms were already weak from shoveling the snow, and then to have to go through an assault like this was ridiculous. And I just felt as though, protect yourself. Fight with your all and protect yourself,” she said. “And this man, like, he’s really, really big. He could have put me in a worse condition than I was already in.” Walker was taken to Lenox Hill Hospital following the attack with bruising and swelling to her face, sources told CBS2. “The doctor told me that I had a blood clot by the baby’s head. He said the blood clot could go away, but as of now, there’s a blood clot by the baby’s head, and I was in sobs,” she said.
source: WCBS
The baby is okay. In another interview, Lakeeya says she doesn't know how the attacker knew she was pregnant, because she's not showing. Cops say they know who the suspect is and he lives in the building, but he appears to be on the run.


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