Wednesday, March 11, 2015

SHOCK! Reality TV Shows Are Scripted

In case you are one the few people on the galaxy who still believe "reality" TV shows are real, Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star Joseline Hernandez just spilled the real tea. In a 4-hour videotaped court deposition, Joseline, who's being sued for attacking her co-star Althea Eaton during the show's reunion special, told Althea's attorney that Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and all shows like it are scripted. She said: "With reality TV, it's's called 'reality,' but it's a lot of acting in the reality world. And I say that because a lot of the girls that's on the show, they act. And so, it's a lot of acting in a reality TV show, whether it's Love & Hip Hop or another show...The reality TV show showcases a lot of who we are not, and I say that because it's just like, you never know what happens in a reality TV, you know? I mean, they'll showcase your music, they'll showcase certain things, but that's not who Joseline Hernandez is." Shock and awe!

Sidebar: Here's some other tea regarding the lawsuit. Althea claims Joseline “began her assault by viciously punching Plaintiff in the face, then continued to hit and scratch her. Defendant then pulled Plaintiff to the ground where she continued to hit and scratch Plaintiff until security personnel were able to restrain her.” Althea “suffered a black eye, abrasions to her face and arms, and extensive bruising to her arms and legs.” The lawsuit then claims “numerous witnesses and media outlets have reported observing Defendant Hernandez smoking crack cocaine out of a pipe backstage at the LHHATL reunion show, and Plaintiffs believe that Defendant’s intoxication was a contributing factor to her violent and unprovoked assault of Plaintiff.”


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