Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Woman Thrown in Psych Ward Because She Said President Obama Follows Her on Twitter

A woman from Long Island, NY is suing the city after she claims she was admitted to a psych ward and forced injections of powerful sedatives and demands she down doses of lithium all because she said President Obama follows her on Twitter. Which he does. Here's what happened: Last September, 32-year-old Kam Brock said she was traveling in Harlem when cops pulled her over. They suspected she was high on weed (she wasn't) and seized her car. The following day, she went to retrieve her car she was handcuffed and placed into an ambulance because she was "emotional." She says: “Next thing you know, the police held onto me, the doctor stuck me with a needle and I was knocked out. I woke up to them taking off my underwear and then went out again. I woke up the next day in a hospital robe.” She says she told the doctor the president her on Twitter, they thought she was delusional and suffering from bipolar disorder. In a document obtained by her attorney from the hospital called a “master treatment plan,” doctors wrote: “Objective: Patient will verbalize the importance of education for employment and will state that Obama is not following her on Twitter....[P]atient’s weaknesses: inability to test reality, unemployment.” For eight days, Kam's medical records show, she was forced to attend group therapy, endured injections of sedatives, and took lorazepam and lithium. She was finally released from the hospital. Doctors didn't tell her why. But they did stick her with a $13,637.10 bill. Kam is

source: NY Daily News


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