Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lady Gets KTFO With Ceramic Chicken After Breaking into Woman's Home, Strangled Her With Bra

A 61-year-old woman from Lexington, Kentucky bruised but still alive after she was attacked by a woman who tried to strangle her with her bra. Patricia Leece said she heard someone at the door "banging and screaming" around 12:30am Monday morning. She thought it was her daughter, but when she opened the door, it was 31-year-old Ashley Sies. The woman pushed her way into the home and wrapping her bra around Patricia's neck. "She choked me down and we fought for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Finally I saw one of my (ceramic) chickens on the floor so I picked it up and started bashing her on the head with it," Patricia said. "I thought I was going to die that night." After she knocked out the intruder, Patricia called police. She was arrested and charged with first-degree burglary but more charges could be on the way because Patricia says she will press charges.

source: WKYT


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