Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mother Jailed After Stepping on Son's Neck Because He Wouldn't Go to Sleep

If your mother is like most mothers we know (including ours), she's probably threatened to break your neck when you got out of line, but it was merely an idle threat she wouldn't EVER act on. Not this ^^^ mother. Carol Hernandez, 29, of Houston, Texas was arrested after she admitted to police to stepping on her 7-year-old son's neck because he would not go to sleep. According to investigators, on Feb. 24, the boy was sent to the school office after he started up up in class. When he was being questioned by staff members about why he was misbehaving, the boy broke broke out crying and said he was angry because his mother had stepped on his neck. School administrators then saw the red marks on the child's throat and contacted authorities. The boy told investigators he was in his room playing when he was supposed to be sleeping. He said his mother stood on his throat, "choking him" with her foot and he could not breathe. The boy told police he was afraid of his mother because she hits him too much. Investigators interviewed the boy's 8-year-old brother who said he, too, gets "whooped" by their mother. The boy said his little brother would stay up after everyone else went to sleep. The boy would not leave them alone, which is when the mother stepped on him, according to court documents. The brother said their mother would strike bis brother everywhere, including on the butt and in the chest. While Carol did admit to stepping on the child's neck, she insists it was an accident. She was arrested and charged with injury to a child and her bond was set at $5,000.

source: KPRC


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