Thursday, June 18, 2015

Woman Whose Neighbors Said Her Yard is 'Relentlessly Gay' is Raising Money to Make it More Gay

Julie Baker -- a bisexual, 47-year-old widow and mother of four -- who lives in Baltimore, says a neighbor left a note on her front criticizing her for having a yard that's "relentlessly gay." The typewritten note read: "Dear Resident of 4900 Kenwood Ave., Your yard is becoming Relentlessly Gay! Myself and Others in the neighborhood ask that you Tone It Down. This is a Christian area and there are Children. Keep it up and I will be Forced to call the Police on You! Your kind need to have respect for GOD. A Concerned Home Owner." Julie said the note was in response to a set of rainbow solar lights she had recently hung in her yard. She said the lights spelled out the words "Love" and "Ohana," which is a Hawaiian expression for family unity. The rainbow, and rainbow colors, are a symbol of gay pride. In response, Julie has set up a GoFundMe page to make her "relentlessly gay" yard even more fabulous. "Needless to say...I need more rainbows... Many, many more rainbows…," she wrote. "So, I am starting this fundraiser so I can work to make my Home even More "relentlessly gay" If we go high enough, I will see if I can get a Rainbow Roof! Because my invisible relentlessly gay rainbow dragon should live up there in style! Put simply, I am a widow and the mother of four children, my youngest in high school and I WILL NOT Relent to Hatred. Instead, I will battle it with whimsy and beauty and laughter and love, wrapped around my home, yard and family!!! Thanks for your relentlessly gay support! Relentlessly!!!" Julie, who has lived in her home for more than 20 years, says this isn't the first time she was harassed. She told a local newspaper: "[A]fter one of the big eclipse events a few years back, [m]y daughters had lit candles celebrating our lives and put out incense as offerings to the universe. The next morning we found our pot bellied stove kicked over and a note that said 'your kind are not wanted here' it also mentioned devil worshiping and ended with a reminder that houses burn for no apparent reason. I didn't sleep much after that note." She said she called police but they told her they couldn't do anything, because there was no crime committed.

source: Baltimore City Paper

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