Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Church Excommunicates 92-year-old Woman For Not Tithing

A 92-year-old woman is no longer allowed to worship at First African Baptist Church in Bainbridge, Georgia because she doesn't have any money to tithe. Josephine King, who was a member of the church for more than 50 years before she was kicked out, was unable to attend church services for several months because she was ill and unable to leave her home. She's 92 years old! Senior Pastor Derrick Mike sent the elderly woman a letter that read, in part: “Josephine King is no longer considered a member of the First African Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia.” He noted the reason for her excommunication: Ms King "has shown non-support" towards the church in the areas of "constant and consistent financial and physical participation." She hasn't been able to financially support the pastor, er, church because she's 92 effin' years old and has no effin' income! Ms King's nephew puts it best: "You have to have money to make these churches run, but it's not about money. It's about God. You have to put God first." Amen to that.

source: WLBT


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