Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crazy Kanye Wants to be Elvis

Crazy Kanye West is at it again.

Sure, we know it's admirable to break stereotypes and create your own lane, but listen to what he said Sunday night while accepting the American Music Award for Best Rap/Hip-Hop Album.

Update: Kanye also won the AMA for Best Rap/Hip-Hop Male artist but... (wait for it) he declined it, offering to give it to Lil Wayne, who was also nominated.
"I'm a fan of music. So, I got my opinion. I want to give this award to Wayne for this year. If it was last year, this would have been my award. This year it's Wayne's award. We'll see what happens next year."

What da hell?!?

We'll see if he keeps his well-publicized word and gives the award to Lil Wayne, who was not present at the show due to an illness, according to host Jimmy Kimmel.

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