Apparently Miss NeNe is on the hunt for CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, who has proclaimed his love of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" star and publicly asked for her to call him. However, NeNe hasn't had much luck. She probably can't find his telephone number. Which, to come to think of it, is highly improbable because you can call CNN and ask to be transferred to Andy or send him an e-mail.
But we digress.
NeNe told Page Six.
"He is a fox, and I am his girlfriend. How hot is he? He's my biggest fan and I'm gonna see him tonight. I love Anderson, and I know all about those messages he's been sending me. I'm gonna give him kisses and tell him how cute he is when I see him tonight."
So, the folks over at NY Magazine has devised this step-by-step plan for NeNe to catch the silver fox.
Step One: Hang out at his favorite haunts: The Equinox at the Time Warner Center is a good place to catch him during the week. You probably can't sneak into the men's locker room, but your next-best bet is to look for him near the free dumbbells.
Step Two: Show some skin: Yours is black, so that's a good start. But don't overdo the cleavage — he's more of an arm man.
Step Three: Be fabulous: Anderson really loves powerful, funny women. Kelly Ripa, Kathy Griffin, Oprah Winfrey. They are among his closest friends.
Step Four: Show off your sports skills: Anderson loves playing. He famously swam against Michael Phelps and played goalie for David Beckham. This strategy might not work for you, NeNe, but it's worth a shot. Maybe it's time to join a rugby team?
Step Five: Flash your integrity: Anderson likes nothing better than "Keeping Them Honest." This whole sketchy mess with your Atlanta home? Better be straight about that and most other things.
NeNe better watch out for this guy.
Can't say I blame her, he's gorgeous, but NeNe's barking up the wrong tree when it comes to Anderson Cooper.
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