He say the calls are free, but don't get mad at us when you begin to see strange charges appear on your bill each month.
“When I have advice and information and anything that’s going on in my life, I’m able to call this number and verbally leave a message, which goes directly into my fans’ in-box on their cellphones," he says. “It’s my way of telling the fans thank you for the years of supporting me and all my career moves. I can’t cut a check and pay everybody’s bills but I can give people knowledge and information that I have that’s contributed to my success.”
“I don’t know what my next message is but it always comes from a real place. I love it when I have all these l these new folks calling me, saying, ‘Call me Tyrese, on the love circle’.”
OK. Call him at (818) 287-8968.
Tell him we say, How You Doin' and alllrrriiighht.
PS: Beyoncè also thinks she's Psychic; she can finish people's sentences.
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