Padma Lakshmi, host of "Top Chef", bares it all for the April issue of Allure magazine, which coincidentally is dubbed the "Nude Issue."
Allure: What did you do to prepare for the shoot?
Padma: I exercised a little bit extra, but I actually think I look better when I have a little bit of weight on—my breasts are fuller, and I'm curvier than when I'm at my thinnest.
Are you confident about your body?
Yes; I like the way I look. I think I look better now than I did in my 20s, because I'm more confident about my body—and I don't want to look like anyone but myself.
Do you sleep naked?
"I tend to sleep in the nude. I'm an innately tactile person and a very sensual-leaning woman. You have to use the word 'leaning' or it sounds like I'm boasting! When I'm in my own private space, I do spend time with very little on."
The hilarious Chelsea Handler ("Chelsea Lately") shows off her lady parts, too. (after the jump).

Why did you agree to pose naked?
I like being naked, and I like Allure, so I figured, Why not?"
What was it like on the set?
I think it was easy—you're naked a couple times a day, so I think it would be easy for most women.
What body parts are you most proud of?
My boobs are good. They're real and perky. Even if you can't see them, the important thing is that I know about them, and the guys I've slept with know about them.
Now here's the weird part....this hot chick was married to that old goat Salman Rushdie...remember him?!?!? ewwwwwwwww...I think I tasted vomit thinking about her and him together.....
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