Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Betty White Says PETA Plays Dirty, Doesn't Know Facts

The lovable Betty White is taking on the folks over at PETA to task over their scare tactics and misinformation. Yes, it's the same Betty White who once starred in an anti-fur PSA for PETA. And yes, it's the same Betty White who sent Vogue editor-at-large Andre Leon Talley a letter asking him to stop wearing fur.

Betty did this interview with the Canadian media yesterday.
White has been active with animal organizations for more than 40 years. The Denver-based Morris Animal Foundation funds "humane" studies dealing with the health problems of dogs, cats, horses, zoo animals and wild life. "I've also been with the Los Angeles Zoo for 41 years. Life is divided in absolute half. Half is my show business work and half is my animal work."

But she is not an "animal rights activist" - "health and welfare, that's all I'm interested in" - and she is critical of militant bodies like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).

"They play dirty. They not only give misinformation but disinformation . . . . They won't listen, and it infuriates me. I'm sure they love animals but they should find out the facts."

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