Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sears Tower's Newest Attraction Will Make You Piss Your Pants (or Not)

If you have the tiniest fear of heights, this video of what's going on at the Sears Tower is sure to give you nightmares.

At 108 stories and 1,450.58 feet, it's the tallest building in the United States and yesterday it debuted it's newest feature called the Ledge -- four retractable glass bays that jut out into open air from the 103rd floor - 1,353 feet above sea level! This gives you an unobstructed view of Chicago, and you appear to be floating in air.

They say it's designed to hold 5 tons, but we'll pass on this one.

Hell to the no!

In case you're interested, though, it's open to the public and will cost you $14.95.

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