Before you say she's gross for peeing in public in broad day light, it could happen to you, too. Plus, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
Actress Jamie Pressley had to relieve herself on Robertson Blvd after many rounds of drinks at Hollywood gay bar The Abbey on Sunday afternoon
If you've been to The Abbey, then you know why she's peeing on the street.
Perez says it's Jamie, but we're not sure. Frankly, she could be crouched over her spilled beverage while gossiping to her gays about the gays on the phone.
OK, maybe not.
Update: Jaime twittered that it was a dare for her bachelorette party, and that she was pouring the water from behind her back to make it look like she was peeing.
"Way to spin a story!! Breaking news huh? wow!!!!"
"pouring a bottle of water!!! C’mon guys! Do you think i would really pee in the entry way to the Abbey in broad DAYLIGHT!!!"
"Yes….that is me doing dare #8 at my bridal shower..Things are not always what they seem.. Notice my hand in the back..its pouring a bottle"
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