Friday, September 11, 2009

Report: Whitney Admits She Was a Crackhead

To say the entire planet is looking forward to Monday's 24th season premier of Oprah featuring the much-anticipated interview with Whitney Houston will be an understatement. Everyone wants to hear what Whitney said during her first interview in seven years.

According to Oprah, who appeared on Good Morning America this morning, Whitney talks, talks, and talks.

"She said she wanted to tell her story," Oprah told Diane Sawyer, who did the last interview with Whitney in 2002. "She wanted to tell the truth. She gave it up. She talked about difficulty in her marriage [to Bobby Brown], how that started. She talked about the drugs, she talked about what drugs she was doing. ...There wasn't a question I asked that she didn't answer."

And for the first time, Whitney reportedly admits to smoking crack, which contradicts previous reports that will avoid the subject.

"It will leave you gasping. She does not blame Bobby Brown and she takes full responsibility for her engagement in drugs," Oprah said. "At one point she says, 'I didn't get out of my pajamas for seven months.' She talks about when it started to go wrong after The Bodyguard - that was a long time ago. The thing most shocking to me is that Whitney tried to make herself smaller to fit in a marriage so the man could be bigger. How many women have done that? I deeply felt for her. She was trying to be the good wife. She really, truly loved him. She talks about doing the drugs and sitting in the house the two of them going, 'What are we doing?' "

Suffice it to say, this interview will be epic! Here's a small clip.

How exciting is Oprah? And is Shawn throwing jabs at Wendy who was "begging" to get Whitney? Interesting....



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