Johnny Lee Clary, who spent 16 years as member of the Ku Klux Klan and served as the hate organization's imperial wizard, was ordained by the Church of God in Christ in San Diego late last month. That act makes Johnny an ordained minister in the largest black denomination in America.
Johnny claims he learned to hate black early - after his racist father committed suicide and his alcoholic mother sent him to with her drug-dealer sister in Los Angeles. He says he was beaten up, which lead him to join the KKK -- for protection. That's what he claims.
In 1989, after becoming the Klan's spokesman and appearing on talk shows, including Oprah, he quit the Klan. Well, he was forced to quit the Klan after rumors began circulating around the other klansmen that he was a member of the FBI. After a few years, he tried to commit suicide because he was depressed and broke, but at that second he noticed a Bible and started to read it.
"I put one bullet in my gun. I saw a Bible sitting there, and thought maybe I could get forgiveness before I killed myself," he tells Tulsa World news.
He changed his life around and is now a minister in the 6-million-member Church of God in Christ.
"I've learned that good friends come in all colors. I believe I have something to contribute in the area of racial reconciliation. I'm going to spend the rest of my life building bridges and bringing people together," he says.
PS: There's actual video of the ordination.
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