Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Man Shoots Prostitute Because She Wouldn't Have Sex With Him

A San Antonio, Texas man has been arrested after shooting Lenora Ivie Frago -- a hooker he hired -- because she wouldn't have sex with him on Christmas Eve.

According to KABB, Ezekiel Gilbert, 27, paid Lenora for a specific amount of time, but thirty minutes later she called a friend to come pick her up from the Camino Real Apartments. Ezekiel and Lenora got into an argument when she wouldn't return his money -- or give him sex -- so, he shot her twice -- once in the neck and once in the back -- as she got into her friend's car.


Leonora is now paralyzed from the waist down and is breathing through a ventilator.

Ezekiel has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon; if (God forbids) Lenora dies, charges will most likely be upgraded to murder. For now, however, he's free on bond.

UPDATE, June 6, 2013:
Lenora became paralyzed and died seven months after the shooting. After almost 11 hours of deliberations that stretched over two days, a jury acquitted Ezekiel of murder on June 5, 2013. During closing arguments, Ezekiel's lawyers admitted to the shooting, but claimed their client's intent wasn't to kill Lenora -- he was merely trying to retrieve stolen property: the $150 he paid her. It became theft when she refused to have sex with him or give the money back, they said. Outside of the courtroom, Ezekiel thanked God, his attorneys and the jury for being able to “see what wasn't the truth” and for the “second chance.” He added: “I sincerely regret the loss of the life of Ms. Frago. I've been in a mental prison the past four years of my life. I have nightmares. If I see guns on TV where people are getting killed, I change the channel.”

source, source
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Unknown said...

She wasn't a prostitute...She was a mother. She was a good mother, A loving sister and my friend.

She was shot because she wouldnt sell herself.

Anonymous said...

Hes not a murder! He dosent Nor never needed to pay for sex. Where is the proof that he shot her? I am a mother,a sister and a friend. And hes NOTHING LIKE WHAT THE MEDIA IS MAKING HIM OUT TO BE! WHAT A SICK AND TWISED STORY TO BE ACCUSED OF!!

Anonymous said...

she WAS a prostitute driven by her self-admitted black pimp.They robbed him and the car was shot at,NOT the girl. A very sad ending for all involved. The consequences of actions are often severe...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its a shame
she gave good head

Anonymous said...

She and her pimp tried to jack a customer. Got shot for taking his money. A transaction involves product or service in exchange for cash or accounts receivables. In this case, cash was exchange without product or service. So it was a robbery. I don't believe her pimp said, her company and time was what for sale. Really?

Anonymous said...

so her black pimp - where is he? why would she sell herself according to any man? this is saying she wasn't responsible for what she was doing when she was. but again, why was this man acquitted of murder? I think waving a gun around would have sufficed. But no, he is a murderer. He shot to kill and got

Anonymous said...

Really, not a hooker, really? What was she doing at this guys apartment at 4am and just happens to have a "friend" who happens to be a pimp pick her up. If she wasn't a hooker she has some pretty bad luck. I respect the people trying to save her reputation but in this case give it a rest. If it looks like a hooker, walks like a hooker and has a pimp, odds are it's a hooker.

Susan said...

No matter what happened before, this coward shot a woman in the back. He deserves life without parole.

Unknown said...

every body grow up if the guy hadnt done nothing why is he uiin prison if the girl hadnt died why is she dead today dont b syaing things that un important u people have no respect i feel sorry for the girl mostly because shes dead the man is understandable but had no right to shoot her because of a silly un important reason so dont be saying " yeah shes great " rah rah we dont neeed to hear that we need to know who actually cares for who here and find out clues so this probl;em is solved seriously im only 14 and you people are alot older talking about how great she is well you dont say sex will allwasy be good so people think aboput it and grow up stop dissagreeing and agrreeing and think for one moment

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