Thursday, December 31, 2009

Houston Man Rapes, Robs Elderly Women

Houston police are looking for a man suspected of robbing and raping two elderly women in Sharpstown area of southwest Houston. The first attack happened late November, Fox 26 News reports. The man raped an 80-year-old on her way to a physical therapy appointment. She had just had hip replacement surgery. He stole her car. The second attack happened on Dec. 21. The man confronted a 64-year-old woman in an bedroom, robbed then raoed her. Investigators believe the attacker began watching his victim the night before. When police found the first victim's car, the stereo was tuned into a gospel station which the woman say she never listened to. Representatives from that station plan to meet with the police to see how they can use the airwaves to help the investigation. (Sidebar: How does that work?)
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Anonymous said...

I gather that somehow the gospel station will plead to the criminal by running a story about the victims since apparently, he listens to their programming and may feel lead to confess and/or turn himself into the station, then authorites.. just my opinion.

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