Friday, February 5, 2010

Former NFLer Michael Irvin Sued For Rape

Football players (much like basketball players, golfers and any professional sports star for that matter) are notorious womanizers and philanderers, but it seems like they can't seem to take no for answer. Last week a tranny sued a former NFler for rape and now a woman (who, as far as we know, is not a tranny) has filed a civil suit against former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin after she claims he raped her in 2007.

According to the suit, the woman, referred to in the suit only as Jane Doe, claims Michael bought her drinks and then lured her to his room in the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino where he and another man tried stuffing money into her clothes. They then insisted on sexual favors. When she said no, the other man held her down while Michael raped her. The woman claims she was then forced to give the other man a professional.


The woman said Michael's brother, Derrick Irvin, then took her to another room and "assisted in covering the sexual assault and rape up."

Cops investigated, but due to lack of physical evidence, no criminal charges were filed.

Michael's lawyer say the woman (who was in talks to settle for $1 million then $800,000 before filing the lawsuit) is merely trying to get paid.

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Anonymous said...

I smell a lie. Irvin's been 'out' there with the hey, booze and gals forever! This is nothing new though I could be wrong, but I don't think she has a case b/c he's been down this road more than once in the 1990s.

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