Thursday, June 3, 2010

LISTEN: Woman Calls 911 to Complain About Chicken Wings

Last month, 45-year-old Daria Fryziuk of North Port, Fla. paid $13 for five chicken wings. When the food arrived, it wasn't up to snuff. So, she called the restaurant to complain and requested a refund, but the manager cursed her out then hung. So Daria called 911. She wanted police to come to her home to look at the unsatisfactory wings and while they're there, take her statement because she also wanted to file an official complaint against the restaurant manager for cursing at her. Seriously. Police eventually showed up -- but only to issue her a ticket for misusing the 911 system. That'll learn her!

Daria should have just called this guy -- and the problem would've been solved.

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