Harrison’s rampage began shortly before 5:30 a.m., police allege — he stripped naked inside the elevator of his ex-girlfriend’s apartment building on the 300 block of Vanderbilt Avenue, then defecated, according to authorities. He then went to the woman’s sixth-floor apartment, wiped the excrement on the door, and lit his clothes and the door on fire, authorities allege. "I’m going to set your house on fire and this whole building down with you in it," he screamed, capping off the remark with a string of expletives, according to court papers. The woman and her two young children were inside at the time and couldn’t leave, since the door and the doorknob were hot to touch, police allege. She’s also six months pregnant with his child, according to a law enforcement source. When firefighters and police arrived, Harrison was naked and still had the evidence on his hands, the source said. "Yeah, I did it," he allegedly told police. "She stole my cell phone. I had a yellow lighter. I set it on fire." Later, Harrison was taken to a cell in the 120th Precinct stationhouse in St. George where, a law enforcement source said, he defecated a second time.He's now facing arson, criminal mischief, reckless and menacing charges. The judge ordered he undergo a psychiatric exam to determine if he’s fit to stand trial.
Update, March 31: Video of Rasheen cussing out reporters on his way to court. Also, a neighbor told police she heard him yelling "I’m the devil!" as the door burned. His aunt told the Advance, "The system has failed [Rasheen]." She says he suffers from schizophrenia and over the past two weeks, police have repeatedly taken him to the hospital for psychiatric treatment, but was released.

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