Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dominatrix Shows Up at Her Botox Appointment Dressed as a Prostitute...Then Things Got Messy

A plastic surgeon is at risk of losing his license after video surfaced of him getting a professional from a patient. That patient is 51-year-old Marion Burton aka Mistress J (pictured) who attempted to blackmail Dr Tony Walker, 53, for $33,000 – which led to her husband Terry being jailed for three-and-a- half years. Dr Walker admits to the affairs, saying the first was in August 2008, when Marion gave him a professional while he was standing with a Botox needle in one hand and a swab in the other.
Yesterday Dr Walker, a father of two, told a GMC hearing that "sexual contact" twice took place between them at his clinic. He said the first time was in August 2008, when she performed a sex act on him while he was standing with a Botox needle in one hand and a swab in the other. He said: "It was all very cold and clinical – very emotionless and matter of fact. There was no conversation like 'How wonderful you are' or anything like that." Afterwards he administered the Botox injections. The pair then exchanged a series of flirtatious text messages. One sent by Mrs Burton read: "Hello, Dr Feelgood, when will you have time to take care of me?" Another said: "I had a good dream about you." When the doctor replied "What was I doing to you?", she sent a text saying: "That’s for me to know and you to find out." Asked about the messages yesterday, Dr Walker said: "I should have been man enough to stop it but I wasn’t. It was my own weakness and I should have brought it to a halt." Mrs Burton returned to the clinic in Maidenhead, Berkshire, for further treatment that October, this time dressed in stockings and high heels. "You could not miss it," Dr Walker told the hearing in Manchester. "She was like a prostitute. She was dressed in a very tartish way. I felt it was being done for my benefit. I felt like I was being sexually enticed. I would think it was a sexual invitation." He performed a sex act on her before giving her the Botox injections. Asked by his barrister James Counsell why he allowed the sexual contact, Dr Walker replied: "I was at a low ebb. There was someone showing me affection and interest. I let it happen. But it was my responsibility and I should not have let it happen. I regret it."
The doctor told the court he didn't have a regular doctor-patient relationship and the persons he saw "were not there because they were ill – they were clients or customers rather than patients. We had the kind of banter you would have in a hairdresser’s." Furthermore, he said he was unaware that performing Botox injections meant he needed to be regulated by the General Medical Council.
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