We gotta give it to Jonathan Paul
Rorech -- he thinks quickly on his feet. Early Tuesday morning, the 31-year-old was pulled over for speeding in Naples, Florida. Jonathan told the cop he didn't have his North Carolina driver's license...then what happened next is
reminiscent of a scene from a movie.
The deputy returned to his patrol car and ran Rorech's information through his mobile data computer, where he discovered Rorech did not have a driver's license in Florida or North Carolina. During the traffic stop, the deputy received a report of a shooting with "one subject on the ground" at South Street Bar & Grill in North Naples. The deputy decided to respond to the shooting and sent Rorech on his way. When the deputy arrived at South Street he was informed by his supervisor that there was no shooting and nobody was injured. The deputy immediately suspected the 911 call reporting the shooting was false. Further investigation by the deputy revealed the 911 call came from a phone number with a North Carolina area code. The deputy called the phone number back and received Rorech's voice mail. Later, the deputy listened to the 911 call and recognized the male caller's voice as being Rorech. The deputy drove to Rorech's residence and waited for him to return home. Rorech pulled his car into the parking lot outside his apartment around 2:25 a.m. and the deputy arrested him. A search of Rorech's vehicle turned up a cell phone in the center console. The phone's battery had been removed. The deputy put the battery in the phone. A sheriff's dispatcher then called the phone number that the 911 call was made from. Rorech's phone rang.
Jonathan was charged with making a false 911 call and driving on a suspended license.
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