Bomboclaat! Several lesbians at a group home in Jamaica are in some deep you-know-what after they got into a feces-throwing brawl over -- what else? -- a girl. According to the
Jamaica Star, the fight began when one girl became incensed that a girl she's interested in was involved with another resident. Then all hell broke loose. After staff members tried to stop the fight, the girls took feces from a nearby cesspool and began throwing it at each other and home's staff members. When cops arrived, the skettels stripped nude in order to prevent the cops from investigating the matter. It took a while, but the mayhem was eventually brought under control. While the group home's administrators acknowledge that there was a fight (she said one girl who was recently transferred to the facility was fighting another girl with whom she had a fight at the previous facility). However, when asked about the real reasons (you know, the How You Doin reasons) behind the foul beat down, the administrator said: "There are no such reports of such behavior as we have never heard of any of that there." Typical.
Meanwhile, in Jacksonville, women were arrested after they got into a huge fight over a man last Sunday at a truck stop. Detective James Oden says two of the women earlier allegedly exchanged threatening text messages about spending time with the man. Oden says some other women pulled up to get gasoline and became involved in the dispute. No one was hurt and they're all free on bond. Must be some good johnson.
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