Meanwhile, in Brazil
A stray goat terrorizes residents. ... 
Let's Watch a USPS Worker Throw Packages on Customer's Porch, Run Lap Around Postal Truck
Something is wrong this woman. Last Sunday, Pedro Gonzales' surveillance camera was recording when a postal carrier drove up to his home, threw his ... 
Black, Hispanic Teens are Almost Twice As Active on Social Media Than White Teens
Another day, another study with predictable results. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, black and Hispanic teens are more active on so ... 
Here's Video of a Bolt Bus Bursting into Flames on Massachusetts Highway
A bus from New York City caught fire on the Massachusetts Turnpike in Newton. All 47 passengers on board the cheap-seat carrier were able retrieve ... 
Facebook Now Allows You to Choose Who Can Manage Your Account When You Die
Starting today, Facebook has rolled out a feature that allows users to designate who can have access to their account when they die. Sure, you can ch ...
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