Hello, 911? Come Quick! A Restaurant Served Me Raw Waffles
We wish someone would re-enact this, because it's hilarious. On the morning of Jan 30., a woman, who may or may not be drunk, went to the Village I ... 
Surprisingly, The 'Maury Show' Isn't Entirely Fake
A Chicago couple, who was in Connecticut earlier this week to appear on the "Maury Show" on Wednesday, but they never made it to the taping because ... 
Meanwhile, in Florida
The driver of a car who hit and killed a teenager in Jacksonville Sunday night tweeted about the accident just after it happened. Trevius Willia ... 
Florida Congressman Calls Texas a 'Crazy State'
Florida Representative Alcee Hastings says what he means and means what he says. During a meeting of the House Rules Committee this week, he called ... 
7-year-old Girl Tells Dad She Isn't Feeling Well, He Shoots Her in Hand, Back
Craig K. Tinsley, 32, of Kansas City was charged with two counts of first-degree domestic assault after he shooting his 7-year-old daughter in the h ...
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