Monday, March 9, 2009

Equal. Rights. Now.

Last week both sides of the gay marriage issue took to the California courts to plead their cases. At the center of the battle: the validity of the more than 18,000 same-sex marriages performed last year. When Californians passed the Yes on 8 ballot initiative, it outlawed same-sex marriages and may invalidate those 18,000 marriages.

One major point of this new round of hearings is to restore same-sex marriage rights.

Although a final decision from the is not expected for 90 days, many say the marriages will remain legal.

Maybe the rest of the world should listen to Wendy; she publicly came out in support of marriage for gays.

Watch out lesbian, and host of one our favorite programs, Rachel Maddow, talk about the issue; She's joined by San Francisco city attorney Dennis Herrara.

While California wrestles with the idea of whether gays should or shouldn't be married, several other states are pushing on with legalizing the unions.

Vermont, for instance, was the first state allow civil unions is now considering full out marriage and the legislature is set to vote on the issue in the next few weeks. State Senator Peter Shumlin says, "Passing this bill is the right thing to do at this time."

New Jersey and Minnesota are also considering same-sex marriage.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was taking questions at the European Parliament last Friday, called upon a man name Max, well, because he was wearing a "I Love Hillary" T-shirt. Max is from Moldova - a homophobic country in Europe.

Listen to Max's question and Secretary Clinton's answer.


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