It's time for your daily Chris Brown / Rihanna beat down round-up.
Shocking (read: laughable) news broke over the weekend that Chris AND Rihanna will be co-authoring a book about domestic violence and, as part of the $10 million deal, the two will make several TV appearances to chat up the subject.
Thankfully, that rumor was false, according to Rihanna's attorney.
Reports are that Rihanna is back to working. Her producer Adonis Shropshire says she's taking refuge in her music.
Perhaps she should write something she can follow. Remember the song "Take a Bow"? She should be reciting those lyrics to Chris, but no... she has taken him back and has asked the court not to restrict contact with him.
Talking about Chris.
Apparently, he may have a good defense for putting the beat down on Rihanna -- It was 'roidrage.
“Chris Brown started using steroids for his voice, and then he started using it more and more... I think he used it too much. There were definitely benefits to using [the steroids], like he got more muscular. But it also affected his temper ... everyone around him noticed it. If a singer is on tour and their voice isn’t holding up, or if they have laryngitis – you give them a steroid shot, or they can use a spray. It will allow them to perform temporarily... Just about every artist I know has used it.”
Are you gagging yet?
Those were the words from someone inside his camp.
But good luck pleading that defense in court.
Also, Puffy is claiming he had no idea Rihanna and Chris would be using his Star Island home as their reconciliation, or his bed to consummate their marriage.
A source tells Page 6.
“Chris called and said he needed to crash at Diddy’s house while he was recording. He said it would just be him and his mom.” In fact, Brown, who just got charged with two felonies for allegedly beating up Rihanna the night of the Grammys, brought her down and called the photographers. “Chris is a dog,” another spy said. “He’s always been so critical and nasty to Rihanna, making fun of her accent.”
AND: Chris was just nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice award for Favorite Male Singer. Are you friggin' kiddin' me?!
The Sun is reporting that Rihanna is insisting that Chris go out and rescue stray animals in Los Angeles at nighttime. The paper is also reporting that Chris, as part of a PR campaign, has agreed to pay Rihanna almost $9 million if he “as much as squeezes her arm the wrong way”.
And finally, Queen Oprah, who will be airing a show on teens and domestic violence on Thursday, had this little bit of advice for Rihanna on her show Friday.
“Love doesn’t hurt...If a man hits you once, he will hit you again. He will hit you again.”
Sounds like good advice to us.
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