Thursday, March 12, 2009

Octoman is Delusional, Friends Say

Single mother of 14, Nadya Suleman BKA Octomom is crazy, self-absorbed and delusional.

Well, a blind a mute person could have come to that conclusion, but now her friends are turning on her, much like her former publicist Victor Munoz who quit recently, but not before calling Nadya "greedy" and "nuts".

One friend tells the Enquirer:

"Nadya has no concept of reality. She thinks she's a TV star and that people love her. She just doesn't understand that viewers watching her on TV are laughing at her. And when her mother Angela tries to talk sense to her, it ends up in a screaming match."

Another friend says Nadya is reveling in the attention she's receiving while life in the modest Whittier, Calif., home she shares with her first six children spins out of control.

"Nadya's home is a madhouse," said the friend. "She just doesn't seem in touch with the real world. She doesn't know how to use a computer very well Her mother will be screaming at her and Nadya will reply in psychobabble.

Sometimes Nadya locks herself in her bedroom for hours at a time, while her mother and two nannies deal with the children "who are running wild," adds the friend.

But in Nadya's twisted mind, everything is just fine.

"She's making lots of money from her TV appearances," said the friend. "If the octuplets are ever released to her care, it's going to be an absolute nightmare."

A girl gotta do whatever she can to feed her kids, but something definetly appears fishy, we just can't put our finger on it yet.


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