Thursday, March 12, 2009

A 'Skank' Goes to Court

For those of you outside of NYC, there's a semi-interesting court case brewing and it surrounds whether as bloggers if we can call someone a "skank".

Some retired model named Liskula Cohen (pictured above) is asking the court to force Google to reveal the identity of the anonymous blogger who posted this beautiful post about her.

"I would have to say the first place award for "Skankiest in NYC" would have to go to Liskula Gentile Cohen. She's a psychotic, lying, whoring . . . skank ... Desperation seeps from her soul, if she even has one." And this one "[Liskula Cohen] is a psychotic, lying, whoring, still going to clubs at her age, skank."

What's wrong with that?

The blogger's lawyer argues that the remarks are all done in jest and sarcasm.

"The fact that a serious defamation claim can rise out of anonymous name calling on a site called 'Skanks in NYC' is ridiculous.'" "If you turn on VH1, skank, ho, skank, ho is every other word," she said.

People have been called worse, she added, noting that the terms sleazebag, slime, pimp, bleached blonde, bastard, bitch, son of a bitch, seedy, chickenshitt, tramp and big skank have been found to be constitutionally protected opinion over the years.

The judge will make his decision soon.

See more photos of the non-skanky Liskula after the jump.



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