Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Charles Pugh is Detroit's First Openly Gay City Council Candidate

Charles Pugh is trying real hard to be Wendy's favorite HOW YOU DOIN' news anchor, but Steve Bartelstein has got that on lock. Real hard.

Charles, who once anchored the local Fox news, just announced that he will be running for a seat on the Detroit City Council, making him the first openly gay candidate to seek a seat in the Council.

"Who I love doesn't really have much to do with what kind of council member I would be," he said. "It's only historic in the sense that it hasn't happened before, but that's the last thing we're thinking about. I'm running because I love Detroit and I think I have a unique set of skills. For the last 10 years, it has been my job to go to every part of Detroit and listen to people."

Plus, there's madness right now in Detroit local government.

For instance:

  • Council member Kwame Kenyatta, walked out on his mortgage in December, saying property values had sagged so much in the city that he was paying for a home now valued more than its worth.
  • Monica Conyers, wife of U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr., who has sparred with the mayor and others, drew criticism for using a city police detail to transport her son to his private suburban school each day.
  • Mrs. Conyers also drew fire when it was discovered she had helped her brother, who is a convicted felon, get a city job. When first confronted about suspected nepotism, she denied the man in question was her brother, but later changed her story, the Detroit News reported. The brother eventually was fired over issues with absenteeism.
  • Carolyn D. Chambers, a former office manager for Councilwoman Martha Reeves filed a lawsuit Monday alleging Reeves retaliated against her for trying to alert the councilwoman about employees inflating their work hours and falsifying time records.

If you live in his district, vote for Charles.

Good luck, Charles. And HOW YOU DOIN'. Alllrrriiiigghhht.



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