A Columbus, Ohio man begins his 60-day in jail sentence today after he was found guilty of "criminal mischief" - which is what they call collecting urine from public restrooms then drinking said urine in Ohio.
Alan Patton, who is a registered sex offender and says he has been drinking young boys' urine for more 40 years, turned himself in a day before he was expected to begin serving his sentence.
Poilce said Patton placed plastic wrap on toilets and foam cups in urinals to collect the urine.
He was arrested once in 2006 and again in 2008 for the same "crime".
Patton is banned from public restrooms, libraries, pools, recreation centers or anywhere children were likely to congregate during that time.
Now, there is a an actual law (Senate Bill 58) which criminalizes the collection of bodily fluids from another without their consent.
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