Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Did Michelle Obama Commit a Fashion No-No?

So, what? First Lady Michelle Obama wore the same dress twice.

Speaking at the United Nations yesterday, left, she wore the oriental-print scoop-neck dress designed by Tracey Feitch. It's the same dress she wore to the prayer service the morning after the inauguration.

Who doesn't recycle outfits? This just further proves that she's, in fact, of the people and we all can identify with her.
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Anonymous said...

I agree. Anyone trying to give her a hard time need to stop it. Yes, they may have the money, but like th rest of us, they probably want to keep some, so why buy enough dresses or clothes for 4 years, just so you don't have to wear the same thing. Not only is that wasteful, but it is just plain stupid. Doesn't America have more to worry about then what she got on?

Franco said...

LOL - the things people focus on... Love it!

Anonymous said...

Still though, a First Lady must NEVER commit a fashion faux pas by being seen wearing the same thing twice. If her stylist did this, they need to be fired. Incidentally, my secondary school teacher NEVER wore the same thing twice. NEVER. Everyday was something different, I swear!

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