Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gwyneth Paltrow Hates Scarlett Johansson's Guts

Gwyneth Paltrow supposedly hates Scarlett Johansson. The two are currently filming Iron Man 2 which will be released next year.

According to a source, Gwyneth feels Scarlett is hogging the limelight and it's causing tension on the set.

“Gwyneth has become very frustrated with Scarlett," the source told the Sun. “They come from different worlds and have completely different styles. Gwyneth has found Scarlett very demanding of the attention of the crew. It’s not a happy set. Gwyneth and Scarlett have never been particularly close. Gwyneth was looking forward to working with Emily Blunt , who was originally in line for the part, but it ended up being Scarlett. Gwyneth’s had to live with that and she has been very professional, but she and Scarlett haven’t developed a friendship on the shoot, which is almost at the half way point. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.”

According to the report, Gwyneth has been left exhausted by the politics and a series of strenuous scenes and and is now taking a two-week break from filming.

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Anonymous said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I need a break! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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