Kelly Rowland (formerly of the group Beyoncè-and-those-two-other-girls), is doing her part to protect against swine flue - which is now, global. She shared this photo of her in a Stockholm, Sweden airport and attached these messages:
"Guys, I was in customs for an hour, NO air-con and hundreds of people breathing, and coughing. I honestly see why Michael wears a mask!"
"I've seen very few people with masks on, a lot of people feel like, it's the news hyping it up. So folks are barely wearing em."
“Guys, EVERYONE is looking at me NUTS cause of this mask, I’ve boarded the plane to Stockholm. These looks….I wish I could take pics of em”.
For a girl who hosts a program called The Fashion Show, which premiers May 7 on Bravo, we would expect her to ditch those surgical masks for one more chic.
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