It seems that all those days of commandeering the fights on those VH1 reality reunion shows she hosts, is rubbing off on LaLa Vazquez.
At last night's Denver Nuggets vs Dallas Mavericks playoff game, LaLa was there cheering on her man Carmelo Anthony (along with Trina) when she "became irate, throwing her arms toward the insensitive fans, ultimately leaving her seats in disgust" and escorted away by security as you can clearly see in the video below.
However, a person in attendance said: "LaLa Vazquez, did not 'leave in disqust' nor did she 'throw her arms towards the fans.' HAHHAHA What a bunch of CRAP. She PUNCHED a fan in the face TWICE. I saw it."
Really, LaLa?
Camelo's team lost the game, FYI.
Update: LaLa responds:
"Obviously the play-off games bring out the best and the worst in fans but what happened on Monday night with the racial slurs/threats, verbal attacks on my son and physical attacks to myself by irate fans was unacceptable. The fans were totally out of control. What the cameras captured was me defending myself and didn't show the abuse that was taking place."
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