Friday, May 1, 2009

Rihanna is a Groupie, Andrew Bynum Feels Used

By now we've already established that Rihanna isn't dating Los Angeles Laker center Andrew Bynum. She's back with Chris Brown, and we're sticking with that story.

Now, remember week people were going nuts when they heard that she and Andrew may be dating after they were seen leaving a restaurant together? Well, now we know how that came to be.
According to Bynum, he was eating dinner with his family (parents) at Mastro's Steakhouse and Rihanna and her companions were seated at a nearby table. Rihanna came over and introduced herself to Andrew and asked if she could have a photo with him. Andrew was flattered and happily complied. They left around the same time, and paparazzi outside got all riled up, assuming they had dinner together. Rihanna didn't deny it. Naturally rumors that they were on a date buzzed all over town. Afterward Bynum wondered if she had used him in some way or it was a coincidence.

Well played, Rihanna.



Anonymous said...

He gonna need more people for that one! Who's the star in this story - him or Rihanna?

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