Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jay-Z 'Categorically' Denies Banning Chris Brown from BET Awards

When Chris Brown was noticeably M.I.A. from this year's BET Awards, people pointed fingers at Jay Z. They claimed Jay-Z told BET to disinvite Chris from attending or performing - or else. You know, in part because of Chris' little legal snafu.

Son after those rumors, Chris immediately denied it saying: "That's not true - he was never confirmed to perform."

Now, Jay-Z is going on record, too, saying he had nothing to do with it.

In this interview with Tim Westwood, host of a hip-hop show on Britain's Radio 1, Jay-Z unequivocally and "categorically" denies the rumor.

"That’s the silliest rumor I ever heard. This was the I was really sitting back and watching all them suckers comment on it. You don’t comment on rumors. I was watching them the whole time like 'look at them, that’s just so silly'. First of all, I categorically deny that. That's not even my style. If I have a problem with Chris Brown, I have a problem with Chris Brown. I didn't say anything live or behind the scenes. Whatever. I don’t agree with what he did. That’s it, that’s the end of it. But as far as not letting him perform on BET, that's ridiculous. That's stupid....That's not how I deal with my problems."

Oh, he also calls The Game a "groupie."

Take a listen for yourself:
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