Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nurse: Michael Jackson Lost 5 Pounds a Week

Michael Jackson’s strenuous rehearsal schedule was causing him to lose 5-6 pounds a day, according to his nurse Cherilyn Lee.

“He was concerned about his weight, he was losing so much. When he’s rehearsing he sweats a lot — he would tell me that he have to mop up the stage after songs he sweat so much,” she told MSNBC. “He’d get so dehydrated he’d lose 5-6 pounds a day in water."

Even though water weight can be replaced, dehydration to such an extent is dangerous. Otherwise, Cherilyn said Michael had no underlying health problems when she first met him in January.

“Before any nutritional treatment I do comprehensive lab work. I did a complete blood panel and there were no red flags,” she said. “Because of his diet his blood sugar was a little low, but not to the point it would cause a problem; his vitamin D level was a little low. Folic acid — and that includes an anemia panel — fine. Every organ system was checked out. There were no indicators of heart disease. The C-reactive protein test? Nothing there (The test is a general marker of inflammation throughout the body, and can rule out things like coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease). His hemoglobin A1c, which would have indicated diabetes, fine. His liver functions, kidney functions, they were all fine. He was healthy.”



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