Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Official: Dr Conrad Murray Administered Drug That Killed Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's personal doctor administered a powerful anesthetic to help him sleep, and authorities believe the drug killed the pop singer, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Monday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, also provided a glimpse inside Michael's rented mansion, describing the room Michael slept in as outfitted with oxygen tanks and an IV drip.

Another of his bedrooms was a shambles, with clothes and other items strewn about and handwritten notes stuck on the walls. One read: "children are sweet and innocent."

The temperature upstairs was stifling - the heating system was on high because MIchael always complained of feeling cold, the official said.

Although toxicology reports are pending, investigators think propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop, the official told The AP.

Jackson is believed to have been using the drug for about two years, and investigators are trying to determine how many other doctors administered it, the official said.

Propofol can depress breathing and lower heart rate and blood pressure. It's supposed to be administered in hospitals.

Instructions warn that patients must be continuously monitored, and that equipment to maintain breathing and to administer oxygen must be available.

Last week, Texas authorities searched Dr Murray's Houston medical office and storage unit, looking for "evidence of the offense of manslaughter," according to court documents.

Among the items removed from his office were a computer; 27 tablets of phentermine, a prescription-strength appetite suppressant; 1 tablet of clonazepam, an anti-anxiety medication; and some Rolodex cards.

From the doctor's storage unit, authorities removed two computer hard drives; and "important contact list;" a suspension notice from Houston's Doctor Hospital; notices from the Internal Revenue Service; and a laundry list of medical and hospital documents.



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