Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Piers Morgan Disses Heidi, Omarosa, Heather Mills, Ann Coulter

"America's Got Talent" judge Piers Morgan is never one to hold back. He says whatever is on his mind and that's what people like about him.

So when the NY Post challenged him to give his opinion on several people in the biz, he, of course, obliged.

On Heidi Montag Pratt:
"The dumbest creature on TV... I once had the pleasure of sitting next to her for lunch and she was so dumb, she'd never heard of Nelson Mandela. At that point, I realized there were serious, what we call, cerebral issues -- in other words, brain deficiencies. When you've never heard of Nelson Mandela, that's an issue. I think she just thought he was a rapper or something, from memory. I was with Ozzy Osbourne -- it was a weird lunch I set up -- and we were just shaking our heads laughing, because we just couldn't believe how stupid she was. It was very entertaining."

On Omarosa, whom he starred and feuded with on "The Apprentice":
"Omarosa is the most poisonous, talentless waste of space I have ever encountered. I came up against her on “Celebrity Apprentice” and she trashed me, my family, my friends. I saw then what a pointless piece of work she was. I thought, ‘My God, how did this woman ever come to be famous in America?’"

On Paul McCartney's ex-wfe, Heather Mills:
“I don’t know how you can sustain life as a celebrity when your only trick is removing your false leg. She’s talentless and legless.”

On Anne Coulter, Republican author and defender:
"She is the most annoying woman I have ever seen on TV. Every time I look at her on screen, I have to throw something at it. She's just a monstrosity."

Before you think he's sexist or a chauvinist, he had some nice things to say about Tina Fey.

"She's the most naturally talented person on TV. She manages to make the humor mainstream, while being very cutting edge."


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Anonymous said...

For once I agree with him on everything he said about these ladies!

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